Do Nootropics Make You Smarter?

Do Nootropics Make You Smarter?

You may have heard nootropics being referred to as ‘smart drugs’. These substances have taken the world of traders, gamers, and more by storm, providing focus, energy, and productivity in abundance.

But do they really make you smarter?

While there are a lot of benefits to nootropics, the question of if they actually provide a boost to knowledge and smartness is hard to answer. 

We’ve created this guide to tell you more, so let’s take a look.

What Are Nootropics?

Let’s start with the basics. What are these ‘smart drugs’ people are raving about? 

The term nootropics covers a broad range of cognitive enhancers. From caffeine to L-theanine, these substances range from ones commonly taken every day across the world, to ones that are slightly more unknown and rare. 

You can get prescription options such as modafinil, as well as over the counter alternatives such as Vyvamind. 

To pinpoint just what nootropics are is hard because there is so much variation, and many often work better when combined in a stack, with the effects of one complemented by the effects of another (the aforementioned caffeine and L-theanine are a good example of this).

So Do Nootropics Make You Smarter?

While they have many positives, nootropics don’t actually boost knowledge. That isn’t to say the answer to the above question is a firm no though. 

Nootropics work in a different way, improving focus, memory, and productivity. While not technically making you smarter, they certainly can make you feel like you are, and lead to better results when it comes to work, studies, and more. 

Some nootropics such as tyrosine support long-term brain health, and it can make a big difference when trying to recall information, focus on long tasks, and present information, so while not technical boosting smartness, it can certainly provide a boost in many other related areas. 

What Benefits Do Nootropics Have

Nootropics optimise many functions that are classed as cognitive enhancement. Bacopa is a nootropic that can support learning and memory formation, for example, by strengthening neural connections. 

The beauty of nootropics is that they don’t force effects. Instead they promote long-term improvements. They are for the long term, providing steady optimisation that can lead to sustained improvements over time. 

When combined in products such as Vyvamind, you get the best of all worlds. From the alertness of caffeine, to the dopamine kick of tyrosine and the health benefits of B-Vitamins, everything is meticulously measured to provide the perfect amount of effects to put you in the perfect state of mind for the task ahead. 

How to Use Nootropics Safely

When starting out with nootropics to boost cognitive power, there are some rules of thumb that you should stick to to ensure they are taken in a safe manner. 

Firstly, make sure you are careful with your dosing, especially in the early stages. Start small, gauge the effects, and if needed change it to get it just right. 

More is not always better, so spend some time looking into the right amounts and test them out. 

It’s always a good idea to speak to professionals, especially if on other medication to ensure there will be no negative interactions. 

Choose reputable manufacturers to ensure you are getting a good product, and remember that nootropics do not fix everything. They need to be combined with good nutrition, quality sleep, and regular exercise to ensure your body and mind are in the best shape for optimisation. 

Using Vyvamind for Cognitive Enhancement

Vyvamind is perfect for the cognitive enhancement mentioned above. A selection of ingredients that have been chosen for their cognitive qualities and have plenty of research behind them is the base of this product. 

From a mix of B-complex, tyrosine, L-theanine, caffeine, and more, you get alert focus that can help keep you feeling motivated and productive through whatever task you are currently working on. 

Whether needing verbal fluency to get through an important meeting, or needing focus for a long study session, Vyvamind makes a great choice. 

As mentioned above, while this may not actually be improving your knowledge, it is providing the tools to help you do so efficiently and effectively, keeping you locked in and keeping brain fog at bay. 

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